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The so-called Official Night of UFOs was, without a doubt, the most significant event registered by the Brazilian Air Force, throughout the 1980s. covering almost the same area as the events of May 1986.
Table of Contents:
By Jackson Luiz Camargo – ufojack@yahoo.com
The so-called Official UFO Night was certainly the most significant event recorded by the Brazilian Air Force throughout the 1980s. But a very similar event, on a smaller scale, took place in 1984, witnessed by thousands of people and covering a large area of the state of São Paulo.
This fact occurred on the night of November 1, 1984, when an unidentified plot appeared on the radars of the ACC in Brasília. The signal was constantly changing direction, showing the typical erratic behavior seen in thousands of ufo incidents around the world throughout history. Intrigued, the Air traffic controller called the São Paulo APP, asking if it had any unknown air traffic on radars. The São Paulo Air Traffic Controller did not have any records at that time. So he decided to call the COpM (Air Defense) informing the fact. So he decided to call the COpM (Air Defense) informing the situation. Then, he called the Congonhas Airport Control Tower, as the object was found in the vicinity of the airport.
The airport operator reported that he received several phone calls from people reporting UFO. At one point, the target that was being monitored by the ACC Brasília accelerated rapidly, going from 24 km/h to 976 km/h, passing over the city of São Paulo. At the same time, another seven plots appeared on the radars of ACC Brasília and APP São Paulo. They were flying over the São Paulo cities of São José dos Campos, Itanhaém, northern region of São Paulo, Santos, Ubatuba and Campinas. The data indicated that one of the signals had the same size ratio as a Boeing, although none of them was flying over that region at that time.

ACC-Brasília called the Control Tower of São José dos Campos airport, informing the situation and asking the operator to keep an eye on the binoculars. During the telephone call, one of the objects passed northwest of the airport, approximately 19 kilometers from the city of São José dos Campos, heading east and arriving just 9 kilometers from the local Airport Tower. Another accelerated sharply, going from 74 km/h to 1.481 km/h, at a speed far above that of commercial aircraft, already above the speed of sound.
Currently, there are 36 pages of transcripts of communications between the different Centers that took place during that sighting.
You can access this report by clicking on the link below:
UFO occurrence report on the State of São Paulo – 37 pages – 9.24 MB (In Portugese)
Possibly, this left the Air Traffic Controller and his superiors impressed and led the Brazilian Air Force to adopt measures to deal with the matter, because on July 15, 1985, the Ministry of Aeronautics, Octávio Júlio Moreira Lima, through the CINDACTA I, issued General Order 1S/018/CCTA, which would come into effect on July 19 of that year, adopting a series of measures in the event of the appearance of UFOs on the radars of the Air Defense units. The new rule determined that in these cases the Chief Officer of the ACC-Brasília operational team should be called and that the radar screen should be recorded on video throughout the entire event. In addition, those involved should seek as much information about the phenomenon as possible, contacting other Air Traffic Control or Air Defense units. Meteorological information should also be noted, as well as the start and end times of the records and telephone calls involved. In case of possibility, pilots who might be flying in these areas could be asked to visually confirm these objects. And all this should be registered in a specific form created for this purpose.
General Order 1S/018/CCTA can be accessed through the link below:
General Order 1S/018/CCTA – 4 pages – 706 KB
These monitoring and registration rules guided the procedures during the 1986 UFO Wave and its main event, the so-called Official UFO Night, on the night of May 19th to 20th.

References (All in Portuguese):
- CIPEX Files
- CAMARGO, Jackson Luiz. Noite Oficial dos UFOs no Brasil. Curitiba: Revista UFO, 2021. [Book in Portuguese]
- BAÈRE, Mauro. UFOs e Extraterrestres: Uma Jornada em Busca da Verdade. São Paulo: Editora Brilho coletivo, 2021. [Book in Portuguese]
- PETIT, Marco Antonio. Um Mergulho na Ufologia Militar Brasileira. Campo Grande: Revista UFO, 2007. [Book in Portuguese]
- CAMARGO, Jackson Luiz. REVELAÇÃO: A Noite Oficial dos UFOs no Brasil. Revista UFO, nº 287, p. 26 à 38, Fevereiro de 2022. [Article in Brazilian UFO Magazine]
- CAMARGO, Jackson Luiz. Um novo olhar sobre a espantosa onda ufológica brasileira de 1986. Revista UFO, nº 235, p. 42 à 50, Junho de 2016. [Article in Brazilian UFO Magazine about a UFO Wave in 1986]
- Memorandum No. 008/CMDO/C-138, of June 2, 1986, signed by the Interim Commander of CODA Brigadier José Pessoa Cavalcanti de Albuquerque, containing the final investigation report of the events that occurred on the night of May 19, 1986. File in PDF, containing 8 pages (3.36 MB).
- Manuscript from the Brazilian Air Force; Message from Anápolis Air Base to Comdabra; flight report and report of the pilots involved. PDF file with 27 pages (9.50 MB).
- Report by Lieutenant Hugo Nunes Freitas, Chief Controller of COpM I, to the Chief of the Information Section of COpM I. PDF file with 4 pages (1.65 MB). In Portugese
- Official Letter No. 07/OOP/C-130, of May 29, 1986, with forwarding of documents and recordings, issued by the Commander of CINDACTA I to the Commander of COMDA. PDF file with 11 pages (3.29 MB). .
- Official letter nº 001/SCOAM/C-046, issued by the commander of the Anápolis Air Base, Colonel João Fares Neto, to the Commander of COMDA, containing four reports, from 3 fighter pilots and a flight controller. PDF file with 5 pages (1.95 MB).
- Personal report of Captain Márcio Jordão, on his UFO intercept flight, on May 19, 1986. PDF file, with one page (421 Kb).
- Personal report of Lieutenant Kleber Marinho, on his UFO intercept flight, on May 19, 1986. PDF file, with 2 pages (362 Kb).
- Flight reports, of fighters that took off on a mission to intercept UFOs, on May 19, 1986. PDF file, with 7 pages (2.14 MB). .
- Dispatch nº 022/A2/C-376, reporting ufological events that occurred in September 1986, involving FAB pilots. PDF file, containing 9 pages (2.84 MB).
- COpM Monthly Report, August 1986, containing transcripts of ufological occurrences recorded by CINDACTA I, and two questionnaires made to witnesses. PDF file containing 17 pages (4.54 MB).
- Letter No. 11/OOP/C-199, of July 14, 1986, containing reports, testimonies and transcripts of the COpM Assistant Chief Controller’s book, involving UFO records in May and June 1986. PDF file containing 19 pages (4.27MB).
- Report No. 005/SI/86-CINDACTA II, of June 5, 1986, referring to the appearance of a UFO near the city of Bandeirante (PR). PDF file, with 1 page (483 KB).
- Report of ufological sightings recorded by the FAB on the nights following the Official Night. PDF file, with 12 pages (2.63 MB).
- Official Letter No. 006/A-2/C-046, from the Commander of the III COMAR, containing reports of ufological sightings in the region of Uberaba, on August 5th and 28th, 1986. PDF file containing 3 pages (1.30 MB).
- Memorandum containing report of sighting on the coast of Espírito Santo, in August 1986. PDF file, containing 2 pages (494 KB).
- Transcription of the Operational Occurrence Book of the Chief Controller Adjutant, with a report of a fighter pilot sighting in June 1986. PDF file containing 2 pages (774 Kb).
- Newspaper reports, collected by the FAB, about the events of May 19, 1986 (1). PDF file, containing 4 pages (6.06 MB).
- Newspaper reports, collected by the FAB, about the events of May 19, 1986 (2). PDF file, containing 8 pages (9.34 MB).
- Newspaper reports, collected by the FAB, about the events of May 19, 1986 (3). PDF file, containing 5 pages (8.85 MB).
- United States Department of Defense document, issued based on reports from the United States Embassy in Brazil. Contains two pages (136 KB). In English.
- REIS, Carlos Alberto. Voltam os Discos Voadores (e com intensidade máxima)!. Revista PSI-UFO nº 1, p. 29 à 31. Setembro de 1986. [Article in PSI-UFO Magazine about a UFO Wave in 1986]
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- https://portalcontexto.com/anapolis-esteve-na-rota-da-noite-oficial-dos-ovnis-no-brasil-ha-35-anos/
- https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-59953278
- https://g1.globo.com/ciencia/noticia/2022/01/14/a-noite-em-que-21-ovnis-invadiram-o-espaco-aereo-brasileiro-e-foram-perseguidos-por-cacas-da-fab.ghtml
- https://economia.uol.com.br/todos-a-bordo/2021/05/18/noite-oficial-ovnis-35-anos.htm
- https://www1.folha.uol.com.br/ciencia/2022/01/a-noite-em-que-21-ovnis-invadiram-o-espaco-aereo-brasileiro-e-foram-perseguidos-por-cacas-da-fab.shtml
- https://noticias.r7.com/hora-7/noite-oficial-dos-ovnis-os-misterios-do-maior-caso-ufologico-brasileiro-22032019
- https://www.aereo.jor.br/2022/01/16/a-noite-em-que-21-ovnis-foram-perseguidos-por-cacas-da-forca-aerea-brasileira/
- https://sjc.com.br/2020/06/28/noite-oficial-dos-ovnis/
- https://aventurasnahistoria.uol.com.br/noticias/reportagem/noite-dos-ovinis-um-misterio-de-34-anos-nao-solucionado-pela-forca-aera-brasileira.phtml
- https://history.uol.com.br/ovnis-e-misterios/noite-oficial-dos-ovnis-continua-ser-um-dos-maiores-misterios-ufologicos-do
- https://redegeek.com.br/2017/09/19/ultrageek-305-noite-oficial-dos-ovnis/
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- https://www.saindodamatrix.com.br/noite-oficial-dos-ovnis/
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- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 1 – Side A – Audio from São José Control Tower
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 1 – Side B – Audio from São José Control Tower
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 2 – Side A – Audio from São José Control Tower
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 2 – Side B – Audio from São José Control Tower
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 3 – Side A – Audio from São José Control Tower
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 3 – Side B – Audio from São José Control Tower
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 4 – Side A – Audio with communications between Jaguar 98 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 4 – Side B – Audio with communications between Jaguar 98 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 5 – Side A – Audio with communications between Jambock 07 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 5 – Side B – Audio with communications between Jambock 07 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 6 – Side A – Audio with communications between Jaguar-116 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 6 – Side B – Audio with communications between Jaguar-116 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 7 – Side A – phone recordings
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 8 – Side A – Audio with communications between Jambock- 17 e a Air Defense
- Audios from Brazilian Air Force in Night of the UFOs: Tape 8 – Side B – Audio with communications between Jambock- 17 e a Air Defense
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- https://ufo.com.br/colunas/thiagoticchetti/a-noite-oficial-dos-ovnis
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